Post on : January 10, 2024
Downtown Snow Removal Operations Overnight Tonight
Motorists are advised that snow removal and/or street widening operations are scheduled from Wednesday, January 10 2024 at 11:00 pm until Thursday, January 11 2024 at 6:00 am, and vehicles must be removed during snow removal operations. To avoid being ticketed or towed, vehicles should be moved from the following 14 streets before the operations begin.
1. Adelaide St (Water St to New Gower St)
2. Bishop’s Cove (Harbour Dr to Water St)
3. Carter’s Hill Pl (Queen’s Rd to End)
4. Church Hill (Gower St to Queen’s Rd)
5. Garrison Hill (Queen’s to Military Rd)
6. George St (Water St to Queen St)
7. Gower St (Church Hill to Queen’s Rd)
8. Long’s Hill (Gower St to Queen’s Rd)
9. New Gower St (Barter’s Hill to Duckworth St)
10. New Gower St (Barter’s Hill to Buchanan St)
11. New Gower St (Springdale St to Buchanan St)
12. New Gower St (Springdale St to Hamilton Ave)
13. Queen St (Water St to New Gower St)
14. Queen’s Rd (King’s Rd to Carter’s Hill Pl)
For updates, please visit
Vehicles impeding the snow removal operation will be removed and impounded at the owner’s expense. The towing and administration fee is $250, and the impounding fee is $25 each day the vehicle is held in storage. If proof of registration and insurance is not provided, the vehicle can only be towed (not driven) from the impound lot.