The Mandate of the Downtown Development Commission (DDC) is to make the Downtown a more attractive place to live, shop, work and visit while preserving and enhancing the Downtown as the dominant commercial center of St. John’s. We strive to recognize the important balance between office, retail, and commercial, and work to preserve the historic and traditional character of the Downtown. Formed in 1966 as a non-profit corporation, and governed by a Board of Management composed of downtown business members, the DDC has since been involved in projects with the Heritage Canada foundation and the city of St. John’s (Main Street program from 1985 to 1988). It also played a key role in the development of the Business Improvement Area (BIA) in September 1989. The BIA was established as a self-help mechanism to be organized and operated by the local business community and administered by the DDC.
Today we continue to work with our members to ensure our mandate, as well as their needs and expectations, are met.
Entertainment & Film
Business Services